Jan. 10, 2023

NEW! - Top 5 Anime To Recommend a New Anime Watcher (Newebie) | Ep.135

NEW! - Top 5 Anime To Recommend a New Anime Watcher (Newebie) | Ep.135

"New, New, New, Everything New" - Tye Tribbett

Discussion Notes

  • What are the key components when recommending a new anime to a newbie?
  • How do these components vary in relation to a veteran?
  • Is there a particular genre that lends itself to newbies?
  • Let’s name our top 5 (we may have a lot of overlap here so have a couple in your back pocket as honorable mentions)
  • Why do we think there isn’t always a transition from watching anime deeper into the rabbit hole?

Anime Mentioend
You can see all the anime referenced in our Blog page - Link Here

Suuuper Special Suuuperlight
SSS Ranking Episode With Sed the Suuuperlight – Listen Here

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Suuuper podcast title inspired by Tye Tribbett - New | Listen Here! 

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