April 27, 2021

It's Over 9000! - Celebrating 9k Downloads With A Tribute To Vegeta! Feat Buu Voice Actor + Solo Special Stories | Ep. 44

It's Over 9000! - Celebrating 9k Downloads With A Tribute To Vegeta! Feat Buu Voice Actor + Solo Special Stories | Ep. 44

“It’s Over 9000” – Vegeta 


Thank you, Suuuper Family AKA Suuuper Lights, for helping us get to 9000 downloads! We really appreciate it. Arigato Gozimasu! 


For our 10,000 podcast downloads episode we want to hear your voices, please send your voice notes into us by May 16th 2021. For more details, please listen to this episode. 

Discussion points

  • What was our first impression of Vegeta?  
  • Do we think Vegeta is the most character developed character in DBZ?
  • Does toes Toriyama underserve Vegeta in the anime?
  • What does pride mean?
  • Is there something to be said about the Shonen troupe and telling audiences that its not about having talent but rather working hard?!
  • If Vegeta attained immortality in Namek, would he still be a good guy?
  • Who is the better fighter Vegeta or Goku?
  • Favourite Vegeta moment?
  • Favourite Vegeta fight?
  • Solo special story (THIS WAS HILARIOUS!) LOL 

A massive shout out to Josh Martin voice actor for Buu for sending an amazing voice note through the platform Cameo. 

Please note that the voice message while in his own words was a paid for message in support. Should you wish for Josh Martin to send you a personalized message please visit his page on Cameo.

Sound Credits
"Wind, Synthesized, A.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org

 If you enjoy the podcast, please don't forget to FOLLOW, RATE and REVIEW the show (it takes less than 30 seconds) Please do also share with anyone you fill will enjoy the show. Doing so will allows us to grow the show and encourage us to keep putting out more content Also as mentioned we love your reviews, so please keep them coming and will read them out in future shows.

In case you’re wondering here is how to rate and review our show.

Also, to keep conversation going were super keen to hear your thoughts, questions and opinions on the show’s discussion points, so please do drop us a voice note on our website www.suuuperanimepodcast.com or email at www.suuuperanimepodcast.com/contact

Social media links 

Facebook Page: SuuuperAnimePodcast
Twitter: @Suuuperanime
Instagram: Suuuperanimepodcast