Sept. 27, 2020

Black History Month Prelude #BHM - Bonus Episode

Black History Month Prelude #BHM - Bonus Episode

Hi Suuuper Fam,
In the UK we celebrate Black History month in October and as a black man myself, its important to recognise this month and celebrate it. Yes we should celebrate every month but this month gets extra celebration :-) 

This is just a short voice over introducing a series of guest in and around the anime industry from an entrepreneur, voice actors to an animator. In this episode marked with a #BHM, we will be discussing topics around black representation in anime, diversity in the anime industry as well as talking about thier love for anime in general. 

We hope you enjoy the shows and the guest we got, please do share these with any friends you feel might be interested. Go on and help a brother spread the word! :-) 

Share across social with the #suuuperanimeblackhistorymonth or if too long #SAPBHM

Thanks very much, 
Suuuper Anime Podcast